Unity Tutorial 05
This week's unity Tutorial was "unit 4" This tutorial was filled with a lot but i did struggle as i feel as though i am starting to get a little over whelmed with the idea of having to create a game as i feel as though i donot have the same knowledge or talent as others at creating a game on unity. Although i have done the trials and i am learning i feel as though im starting to fall behind quickly and i am starting to let it effect my work.
This unity tutorial i had to create a Arcade game with two people a enemy and a player similar to the last challange we has this involved the enemy to respawn at random when it fell of the island.
There was a number of differnt skills that i learned in this tutorial they were , cleaning up code and making it look more professioal , how to use tags , to calculate vectors to steer players and objects in directions and also how to apply material to make a game object more or less bouncy.
I found this tutorial very difficult a lot just kept going wrong and i had to leave my computer and come back to this as i was getting really frustrated.
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