This weeks reading task i coverd an article on "atomic elements of a game" and how a in the design area of a game you can break down your idea into seperete elements in order to planand breakdown the design process acordingly. In my game brainstorming blog post i coverd four pottential game ideas that i could develop further and eventually pick one to develop in to a playable game using unity.
The game ideas i had were ,
Idea one: this was a game idea i thought of based of one of my favorite mario bro's game i played alot of when i was younger, this game will be a one player 2D game that involves a prince to under go some obstacles in order to earn coins to buy a ring and win the princess he wishes to save. The game will be set in a forest and the obstacles that the prince will inatle will be objects and tasks he must complete in order to win extra coins ect.
Idea Two: the second game idea was a very simple and basic game this game is a food game. A pizziria set in a little italy town which intales a one player game that is the chef and must prepare pizza orders for customers waiting, some of the obstacles they will have to face is angry impatient customers and some ingredients that are gone of which will add to the the pressure the player will have to complete an order.
Idea Three: The third game idea i came up with was inspired by another childhood favorrite game Nintendo dogs, This game will inatle a one player 2D game set outside in will be puppys that are stuck in places and the player must use there mind to figure out how they can be saved the game wont be as straight forward as a puppy stuck in a tree and the player must get a lader to save the puppy it wll be a little more complex and be more of a mind focused game with differnt ways the dog can be rescued but only one works and the player must figure out which one is correct.
Game Four : The last game idea i had was inspired by the game 'Temple run' and the movie Jumanji, This game will be a one or multiplayer 2D game. Set in a rain forest in india the game will intale the player or players to to run and avoide obstacles like animals or booby traps in order to win powers or immunity to obstaces like extra speed or win tools like a knife which could be usefull in an obstacle that needs the player to cut through somthing.
The game idea i have decided to develop is Game one, Why? because i think it is simple but will still give me freedom to get creative and make somthing cool in unity. My main focuss is creating a game that is playable and user friendly anything after that is a bounus. This game i hope will be do able in unity and wont be too complex i feel as though it is a good starting point to build my knowledge of unity and at a later stage as i grow my game design knowledge i will be able to create a game more complex, but for right now im thinking simplistic and effective.
Game Elemements
- Character : There will be two characters in my game , the player, who will be the prince trying to win or rescue the princess.
- Objective/ Goals : The objective of the game is to make it to the princess by beating the obstacles in the way and winning enough coins to bye a ring for the princess.
- Rules : The only rules in this game is to beat the obstacles in the princes way.
- Information : Single payer 2D game.
Game state
- Sequencing: This game is single player, in real time there is no turns in the game the player must just react to the obstacle in its way when necessery.
- Player interaction: No player interaction.
- Theame / Setting: set n a medival dark forest.
How i plan on planning out this project is inspired by a reading task in week 02 called " The psychology of checklists" This reading task reminded me how much i love lists and as this game has a nine week plan to create and finish the game, i know this will fly by with everything else going on with other modules so i plan to make a check list with a week by week breakdown in order to keep on track and not fall two behind because at the momment it feels very daunting.

Wow, Cliodhna, I enjoyed reading about all your potential gaming ideas, I think you have a good rage and all your ideas are pretty diverse. I wonder if the players of the game will have fun collecting and spending the coins. I can see that must of you choices are influenced by nostalgia in terms of Nintendo but have you considered newer, more modern games in the same style and genre. An example that comes to mind is crossy road it has a simpler premise to the game one idea that you are considering developing. Another aspect I was wondering about was what if the coins could be used in different ways such: 1 using them to upgrade the character to improve that bases stats, 2 using the to purchase certain ability that would give the player an advantage in the next run and 3 a way for them to potentially purchase a different character.
ReplyDeleteHey Cliodhna, Its Ellen. I really like your origional four game ideas, one of my ideas was similar to your first one. I think going with idea one was a great decision as it gives you the most creative freedom and I can't wait to see your finale result. I like your idea of the prince dodging obstacles and doing tasks to get coins to win over the princess, What kind of tasks will he be doing and what kind of obstacles will he face?? Why don't you try thinking a bit away from the Mario Bros franchise and change a few things unlike have the prince collect Dimond fragments to make a ring for the princess or have the princess be the protagonist and try to save the prince that would be different. Or you could have the player be a poor present boy collection money to save p for a ring for the princess. These are just a few suggestions but your ideas are great and I think your game will be so fun to play!!
ReplyDeleteHi Cliodhna,
ReplyDeleteI love the variety in your game ideas. The game idea choice you made is the best one in my opinion. I really loved Mario growing up and it is a simple but very fun game to create. I like that you chose a simple game but very fun to play at the same time.
I was wondering what you mean by obstacles. Are they going to be holes that the player has to jump over or "enemies" that the player has to defeat to move forward? Is it going to have different levels or is it going to be a single but long level?
One suggestion that you might consider is to make a little background story that you can show before playing such as: what happened to the princess that got her in that situation, and why is it important to the prince to save her.
You're doing great! Keep up and have fun making the game, Denis.
Hey Cliodhna
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your blogs I am really impressed. I loved every game idea. They are all so different and bring me back to my childhood days of playing on the Nintendo DS. Especially Nintendogs. I also liked how like me the temple run idea was another idea. Thats fine as long as you don't steal my actual game idea 😂 just kidding.
- Cian
Hi Cliodhna I just read your blog post there.
ReplyDeleteI really like your games I deal I especially like your final choice game 1. I loved Mario Bros growing up so I think you made the best decision there. I was just wondering what tasks will the players face in the game and what are the obstacles they will have to avoid. I had a similar idea to you in my game decision too. I have decided to go with a 'temple run' styled game.
Best of luck with your game and I hope it all goes well for you!