Unity Tutorial 02

 This was my second week doing the unity trials and this week i did the unity tutorial 02 , i was a little bit suprised at how i enjoyed this tutorial more then last week i think thats because last week i was very over whelemed and i wasnt really sure what was going on and how long of a process it was taking was really daunting. This week having some knowledege of what was to come made it a lot easier to get straight in to the project i had started last week rather then fresh with no idea of anything.

The " Step by step Drivers Seat " tutorial this week was only about 30 minites long so it was as long of a process then last week this made it easer to focus and get it done and typiaclly i managed to get eveything done the first time as i was more comfterble with the navigation of unity and how it works.

The task for this tutorial was to tidy the code i wrote and the folders on unity and this will deffinitly be a big help for next week having everything tidy. I also had my first challange this week the challange was a plane that went around in circles fast and i was given prompts on what i could fix in the game in order in order to make it playable. 


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