Unity Tutorial 01


My first Unity tutorial 

When i first downloaded Unity i was firstly very intimidated by it. I have never really had any interest in game design and when i picked this course i never intended seeing myself going down the game design route. 

However when i first opened up unity i was pleasently suprised, it is a lot to take in and softwear iv never seen or experienced before but in saying that the way it it layed out and broken down to simple step by setp videos made the hole scary first impretion a little less daunting. 

The videos are quite slow and it is a long process to watch and practice each of them so i did have to put the speed of the videos up to x2 because i felt as though it was a little dragging.

At first i wanted to just play the videos and pause and go do it myself but i quickly realised as much as the process is longer it is much easier to watch the videos through and then go do what i watched myself, it is  a lengthy process and takes a couple of hours but i now know for next week when i continue on to tutorial 2 that i can up the speed to x2 and have an idea of what im doing so it isnt as daunting.


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