Games MDA

 This weeks reading task was all about game design and research, The first article i read was,"A formal approach to game design and game research". This article firstly coverd the meaning of MDA - Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics. The frase MDA is taught to people so that they can understand game designe, criticise games, and develop a game in doing this it will make it easier to decompose and study a game.

The article alos speaks about breaking breaking the MDA framework down in to three differnt components those components are, 

  • RULES 
  • FUN 
The article also coverd in greater detail exactly the mechanics dynamics and aesthetics of the game in more deatil.


The video for this weeks learning task was "Explaining the MDA Design Framework". This video i really enjoyed it explained the MDA frame work in a more easier formatt and it also gave some really good examples of how he uses the framework. What i liked about this video is how he explains how we can put the framework into practice to help improve any game we are desiging. 


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