Feedback ?
Week three's reading task is all about feedback critisiom and rejection. When i first looked at the list of articles i could read for this weeks reading class i was immdiditly drawn to "why rejection hurts so much". The summary of this article is that the damage of rejection caused is usually self inflicted. A quote that stood out to me from the article is "just when our self esteem is hurting most, we go and damage it even further".
The article continues to explain that self inflicted damage comes for centeries ago as far back as cavemen anf there surviva instinct of making sure you were never kicked out of the pack and this fear of rejection has stuck with us through our childhoood and still to this day. The fear of not wanting to be picked last for the football team or left out and alone.
The next article that caught my eye was "seven ways to crush self doubt in creative work" This article had some aspects that were very similar to the artical above " why rejection hurts so much" the author writes about personal experiences of how he has gone against the seven rules he preaches in the past leading to a very disruptive pattnerns. The article is all about how these seven rules can help stop self doubt.
The seven ways in which you can crush self doubt that were coverd in the article are:
- Dont compare yourself to others
- Abandon Perfectionism
- Be countable to a trusted community
- Embrace a growth mindset
- Set goals that are within your control
- Treat your work like an experiment
- Trust yourself
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