Feedback strategies
This weeks reading task was all about the differnce between feedback and praise and how some people might avoid in certain areas of life giving praise.
The first article i read was , "Why so many managers avoide giving praise?". This article speaks abot how particularly in work enviorments managers may avoid giving feedback because they find it stressfull, especially if the feedback being given is negitive. The article covers how they spoke with many mangers about feedback and there answers were all the same or similar the artical reads, "When talking with managers about giving feedback we often hear comments such as, “I did not sleep the night before,” “I just wanted to get it over quickly,” “My hands were sweating and I was nervous,” and “They don’t pay me enough to do this job.” We find that because of this anxiety, some managers resist giving their direct reports any kind of critical feedback at all"
The second article i chose to read was "The differnce between praise and feedback" this article reminded me of the fixed and growth mindset reading i have read a few weeks ago, i was reminded of the growth and fixed mindset reading because this article is all about shwoing kids that you will be praised for somthing when you put a lot of time and effort in to somthing. It is all about how at first if you dont succeed at somthing to not put yourself down and critisize yourself but to appreciate that your going in the right direction with there strategies on how to find the answer.
Carol Dweck also speaks about how for young children it is far more beneficial for a parent to sit down and praise a child for the work they are doing rather then only praise them when the show you they have finished or completed somthing. This shows them that they don't have to complete somthing in order to be praised but when time and effort can be seen going in to somthing they are praised for that.
Hi Cliodhna, Just finished reading your feedback strategies for this week you have some nice helpful strategies laid out here. Keep up the good work