My Thoughts on 'The Growth Mindset'
I have just read the growth mindset and before this reading i had never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset and i am quite suprised i have never heard or read of it efore because i have never thought about myself on the spectrum of growth fixed mindset through my years in school and collage learning, and i ask myself if i had known or been made aware of it i might not have struggled as i had.When i was in 5th year in school i was very late to discovering i had a spelling and grammer weaver and that i was on the spectrum of dyslexia but i did not have it enough to be granted any exception and this was really difficult for me. I had spent the year on and off getting tested and i was eventually offerd a reader or a private room to take exams, However this really effected me because i was made feel as though how i may struggle to spell or read was nothing and it should be as easy for me as it is anyone else.
What i like about the growth fixed mindset is that it doesnt make you feel any less normal then anyone else and it takes a topic that may be deemed embarrising and normalises it. Instead the growth set mindset allows youfeel comfterble and highlights how others may struggle, For this reason i am really excited to learn more on the growth mindset and i look forward to bettering my knowledge and to be able to share what i learn with other people like me that may not know about it either.
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